Transparency International UK (TI-UK) is the UK’s leading independent anti-corruption organisation. For more than 25 years it has worked to expose and prevent corruption so that no one in the UK and where the UK has influence has to suffer its consequences. It is a proud member of the Transparency International (TI) global movement of more than 100 country chapters around the world. By sharing its expertise, TI-UK believes that it can increase understanding of corruption in its various forms, develop effective solutions, and stop it from taking hold.
TI-UK’s vision is a world where people’s lives, government, business and society are free from corruption. A world where the health of our institutions is enhanced so they can better support the people they are intended for; a world where we can trust the integrity of those in authority and in business, and a world where there is no impunity for the corrupt at home or abroad.
TI-UK achieves its objectives through impartial, evidence-based research, the design of new standards and solutions and the education of decision-makers. It drives change through constructive advocacy, provides support and expertise to others who align themselves to the cause, and works with the public and private sectors and civil society to achieve its aims. By leading the campaign for the creation of the UK Bribery Act, securing the introduction of Unexplained Wealth Orders and most recently the Economic Crime Bill, TI UK has ensured that corruption is tackled in the UK and Britain’s role in corruption overseas is addressed. It has created powerful benchmarking tools helping dozens of FTSE 100 companies significantly improve their anti-corruption programmes.
The charity also hosts two well-established sector-specialist programmes in the defence, security and global health for the TI movement that builds on chapter-to-chapter and global collaboration efforts. These programmes ensure that defence and security institutions are accountable to their citizens and subject to civilian oversight. These programmes also ensure effective, accountable and transparent health systems that reduce room for corruption and increase progress to universal health coverage. TI-UK continues to help change the systems which have enabled corruption to take root, and strengthen institutions to hold those responsible to account.
To know more, you can view the organisation's strategy click here and for and its Annual Report here.