The Queen's Hall — Chair

The Queen’s Hall seeks a new Chair to lead the Hall through its next stage of development, building on its position as one of Edinburgh’s most loved and most unique live music venues. It welcomes applications from enthusiastic people who are comfortable with an outward-facing advocacy role and have an interest in music and the arts. (Deadline: 28th September)

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The Queen’s Hall (QH) is one of the key venues in Edinburgh’s cultural scene where it has presented live music for over 40 years. It hosts over 180 events every year attracting audiences of around 90,000 arts lovers. It is an important festival venue including Edinburgh International Festival's renowned classical recital programme as well as being the on-going home to the Scottish Chamber Orchestra for the next five years. QH works across all music genres, spoken word and comedy, and sees an increasing role for its work with schools and local communities.

QH's work is recognised by a wide range of institutions and organisations across Scotland and recent investors have included Creative Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, and Trusts as well as a modest regular grant from the City of Edinburgh Council. Occupying a Grade A listed former Georgian church in the South Side of Edinburgh, it has, over the last six years, strengthened its financial resilience, governance, management, and systems. Its business model is lean, earning most of its income from the programme and bar; it therefore relies on raising funds from donors and public funders to fund major capital spend and audience and educational development.

The Queen’s Hall has been an important venue in the development of Scottish musicians and audiences and it will continue to have a sustainable role as both the city and its cultural venues continue to expand, with Edinburgh now widely recognised as one of the world’s major cultural capital cities. Its current Chair, Dr Nigel Griffiths is stepping down in December 2022 at the end of his term and the Board is therefore looking for someone who shares its passion for music and cultural development in Edinburgh to lead the Board to deliver the charity's mission and strategic vision.

Role specification

The Hall has a strong, enthusiastic Board as well as a small, effective management team and has come through the pandemic on a secure financial, operational, and artistic footing, with significant investment in the building. The new Chair will join at an interesting time as the city’s musical ambitions expand with new venues and Nicola Benedetti taking the helm at the Edinburgh International Festival. It seeks a Chair to build on this and take forward its plans to enhance QH’s brand and position within the Scottish cultural scene.

Main responsibilities of the Chair include:

  • Providing clear strategic support to the Board and executive in delivering The Queen’s Hall’s vision, strategic plans and objectives: QH@2025 (strategic plan here)
  • Leading the Board in setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
  • Ensuring that the Board of Trustees is regularly refreshed and incorporates the right balance of skills, knowledge and experience needed to govern and lead the charity effectively, and which reflects the population the charity serves. Identifying areas for Board development, which may include annual reviews with Trustees
  • Acting as a strong ambassador and advocate for The Queen’s Hall, acting as spokesperson for the charity when required. Supporting the Board and executive in building and maintaining relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, including funders, local authorities, cultural organisations, professional associations and community where this aids the charity’s mission
  • Ensuring that the Board and executive of The Queen’s Hall pursue its charitable objects as defined in its governing documents and apply its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects, comply with its governing documents and charity law and protect and manages the assets of the charity
  • Establishing and building a strong, effective and a constructive working relationship with the CEO, ensuring that they are held to account for achieving agreed strategic objectives. Conducting annual appraisals and ensuring opportunities for continued professional development
  • Regularly attending performances, events and functions at The Queen’s Hall

Person specification

The Queen’s Hall seeks a new Chair to lead the Hall through its next stage of development, building on its position as one of Edinburgh’s most loved and most unique live music venues. It welcomes applications from enthusiastic people who are comfortable with an outward-facing advocacy role and have an interest in music and the arts.

Applicants will have board experience, whether as an executive or non-executive, and bring strategic vision and a broad appreciation of the cultural sector and / or the music business, with a commitment to enhancing the live music scene in Scotland. They will be a strong networker and able to establish and maintain effective relationships with stakeholders and funding partnerships.

The successful candidate will have good, independent judgement and decisiveness when working under pressure. They will be willing to engage with The Queen's Hall beyond Board meetings, and be able to attend performances and events.

Terms of appointment

The role is non-executive, voluntary and is for a three-year term renewable at the Board’s discretion. The estimated annual time requirement is approximately 10-12 days. The Board meets four times each year in Edinburgh city centre and meetings are approximately two hours. The Chair will also be asked to attend meetings of the Finance & Governance Committee. Occasional additional meetings are held, including Board and staff away sessions to allow time to discuss policy areas or programme direction. Reasonable, pre-agreed travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Board members are regularly invited to Queen’s Hall performances and are encouraged to attend functions and events related to the performance programme.


This organisation is based in Edinburgh and meetings will normally take place in person. Candidates will therefore be based in Scotland or visit Edinburgh regularly.

The deadline for consideration is 14/09/22.

If you would like to register your interest in this role, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting an application and to discuss the process further.