Association of Jewish Refugees
The Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) is the national charity supporting Holocaust refugees and survivors living in Great Britain. Founded in 1941 as a self-help organisation, today the AJR has approximately 2,000 members and its principal activities include the provision of social, welfare and care services; providing financial support to members in difficulty; and educating future generations about the Holocaust. They sought to appoint new Trustees who had expertise in Finance, Law or Social Work.
Through Nurole they appointed Mark White, the former Group General Counsel & Company Secretary for Compass Group and Stephen Kon former Board Member for the London Jewish Cultural Centre.
We are delighted to have found two new Trustees, both with the experience and personal skills that we feel will greatly complement existing Board members, and both are excited by and committed to AJR’s mission. On top of that, the whole process was easy: easy to use candidate management tools, inbuilt system reminders and competent account managers.
Michael Newman
CEO, Association of Jewish Refugees


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