CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income plc
Non-Executive Director
CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income (previously named City Natural Resources High Yield Trust Plc), an investment trust that has £140m assets under management, sought to appoint two Non-Executive Directors to ensure that the Company is operating effectively for its shareholders.
Within a month Nurole surfaced Christopher Casey, an established Non-Exectuive Director, Chairman and Auditor with 30 years’ experience, 15 of which were spent as an Audit Partner of KPMG; and Carole Cable, Global Co-Head of Brunswick’s Energy & Resources and NED at Nyrstar N.V. and Women in Mining UK.
Nurole is on the cusp of something very powerful, it is exactly what recruitment needs. it’s great for clients because they have access to a vast number of high calibre applicants and it's incredibly useful to candidates because the application processes are very efficient and straightforward.
Christopher Casey
Former Partner, KPMG

Successful candidate

I found Nurole to be an excellent addition to traditional recruitment agencies as the platform allows the candidates full control of their preferences which can be altered as your career moves on and ensures the best match. I was alerted to a NED role by a friend so I joined Nurole immediately and applied.
Carole Cable
Global Co-Head, Brunswick’s Energy & Resources

Successful candidate

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