Sheffield Hallam University — Chair

Sheffield Hallam University is looking to appoint an ambitious and inspirational Chair of the Board of Governors to lead its experienced and committed Board. The Chair will bring strong leadership and relationship-building experience and have the collegiality, diplomacy and gravitas to inspire those around them along with the vision, skills and passion to help guide the organisation to become the world’s leading applied University. (Deadline: 2 October)

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With almost 35,000 students, half of which come from within 25 miles of the University, 4,500 staff and 295,000 alumni, Sheffield Hallam University is one of the largest universities and most diverse Universities in the UK. Woven into the fabric and culture of Sheffield and the surrounding area, the University is at the heart of South Yorkshire and proud of its significant contribution to the region's economy, workforce, infrastructure, health, culture and environment. The University’s mission is simple: it transforms lives. It provides people from all backgrounds with the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge and experience to succeed at whatever they choose to do. As one of the UK’s largest and most progressive universities, its teaching, research and partnerships are characterised by a focus on real world impact - addressing the health, economic and social challenges facing society today. Sheffield Hallam is ambitious for its students, its colleagues, its partners, its city and region. The University’s vision is to be the world's leading applied university; showing what a university genuinely focused on transforming lives can achieve. The University has three Colleges with two campuses based in Sheffield: the College of Business, Technology and Engineering, the College of Social Sciences and Arts and the College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences. The University has won national awards for excellent teaching, and for attracting students who are the first in their families to attend university. In 2022 the university ranked 6th amongst all UK universities for the overall number of graduates in highly skilled jobs. Its research is nationally recognised for its real-world impact.

As part of its commitment to the region, the University has created a Civic University Agreement which sets out an ambitious approach to its regional role and its commitment to a series of specific priorities including the economy and jobs, education and skills, health and wellbeing, and community and regeneration. Sheffield Hallam has added more than £400m annually to the regional economy. In addition, its £220m campus redevelopment will help shape significant parts of Sheffield's city centre. The University has recently launched its Health Innovation Campus centred around two world-class research areas located in a wider regeneration area of the city, and an integral part of the South Yorkshire Investment Zone. Its progress and leadership in this area were recognised with the award for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community at the 2022 Times Higher Education Awards. 

With Professor Liz Mossop now appointed as its new Vice-Chancellor, joining in January 2024 it is a particularly pivotal and exciting time to join Sheffield Hallam. As it moves forward, the University's key strategic priorities are positioned around growth and diversification of income; including opening its new London Campus in Brent Cross Town, due in 2025 / 26, developing the educational portfolio to support key areas of strength and market growth opportunities, expanding its online offering, growing research income and supporting early-career talent and developing partnerships with local, national and global organisations. It will also be looking at organisational effectiveness and efficiency, ensuring continuous improvement in infrastructure and technological solutions.

Role specification

The Chair is responsible for the leadership and overall effectiveness of the Board of Governors. 

These responsibilities include:

Leadership and Board effectiveness

The Chair is responsible for:

  • The effective and efficient leadership of the Board and its committees
  • The annual development review of individual Board members
  • Working with the University Secretary to approve agendas, minutes, and annual business cycles
  • Ensuring commitment and practice in alignment with the principles of public life
  • Taking, where appropriate, Chair’s Action in accordance with University procedures and regulations

Culture and relationships

The Chair shall:

  • Promote a positive culture, in leading members to work together constructively and provide appropriate challenge and support to the members of the University executive
  • Promote contributions from all members and support and encourage member engagement throughout the cycle of meetings

Business of the University

The Chair shall:

  • Ensure the Board has appropriate oversight and approval of the University Strategy and performance against strategic priorities
  • Undertake the annual appraisal for the Vice-Chancellor, reporting to the Remuneration Committee, and contribute to the annual appraisal of the University Secretary
  • Chair meetings of the Board and other committees as designated, ensuring timely, transparent and collective decisions

External and representative duties

The Chair is expected to:

  • Represent and be an ambassador for the Board of Governors and the University externally
  • Be a member of the Committee of University Chairs
  • Attend (and preside, where appropriate) at a number of graduation ceremonies each year

Person specification

Sheffield Hallam University is looking to appoint an inspirational Chair who will bring strong leadership and relationship-building skills. They will be collegiate, diplomatic, have gravitas and good decision making skills. They will have an ability to play an ambassadorial role with a range of stakeholders and partners whilst being able to inspire those around them.

The ideal candidate will demonstrate an impressive senior leadership track record along with non-executive experience from the private, public and / or voluntary sectors, bringing immediate credibility and authority to the role. They will be a positive role model and leader with international, national or local leadership and they will have experience of navigating through large and complex organisations. Candidates will also bring an understanding of the requirements and constraints of running an institution which is publicly funded and highly regulated. They will have experience of chairing large and / or complex meetings, ensuring collective and transparent decision making. Bringing an understanding of the policy and resource issues in higher education would be beneficial but not essential. The successful candidate will have an affinity for Sheffield Hallam University and its civic context, bringing an understanding of the political and societal challenges the region faces.

Above all, the new Chair will bring a commitment to the mission, vision and values linked to collaboration, ambition, inclusion, innovation and integrity. They will have a strong personal commitment to the Nolan Principles of public service and the principles of diversity and equal opportunities.

To be eligible for this role, applicants must be:

  • Over 18 years of age
  • Not employed at the University
  • Not a student at the University
  • Not a serving elected member of a local or national authority (excluding Parish Councils)

Board composition

The Board of Governors has an exceptional and experienced membership with strong commitment to the University and its mission. To find out more about the Board of Governors, please see here


Sheffield Hallam University welcomes applications from everyone irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, belief or disability. As those from an ethnic minority background are currently under-represented on the Board, applications from those individuals would be particularly encouraged. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where candidates from underrepresented groups can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.

Terms of appointment

The role of the Chair of the Board is a voluntary appointment. Costs of training and development, reasonable pre-agreed expenses and administrative support are provided. There are six Board meetings per year and the Chair of the Board is also Chair of the following Board Committees: Board Officers and Governance & Nominations. It is expected that the Chair will be a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Finance & Employment Committee; and may be a member of the other committees and task groups of the Board, with the exception of the Audit and Risk Committee. Currently the majority of committee meetings are held online and Board meetings are held in person at the City Campus in Sheffield. It is anticipated that a minimum commitment of 23 days is required per academic year, broadly split between 13 Days for committee related activities, inclusive of an annual two-day residential strategy event held in Sheffield, and 10 days operational related activities. Dates to the 2023 / 24 Board and Committee meetings can be found here. The appointment is for up to a four-year term, which can be renewed once at the discretion of the Board.

The deadline for consideration is 2nd October 2023.

If you would like to register your initial interest in this role, please fill in the form below.

Please note that registering your interest via this microsite does not constitute a formal application for the role. If it would be worth submitting an application, a member of the Nurole team will be directly in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know and invite you to apply through the Nurole platform.