Royal College of General Practitioners — Lay Trustee

The Royal College of General Practitioners is looking for a new Lay Trustee who will be a qualified solicitor, barrister or advocate. (Deadline: 20 July)

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The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) was founded in 1952 and is the professional membership body within the UK for general practitioners, with over 54,000 members. Its purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice.

General practice is the largest branch of the medical profession. It provides some 1m consultations for patients in the UK every working day and deals with 86% of the health problems experienced by the UK population. The College supports GPs throughout their careers – from medical students who are considering general practice, through to training, qualified years and retirement. The College represents and supports GPs on important issues like licensing, training and clinical standards.

Despite any challenges which may arise, the College's aim and mission for both its Members and Fellows, and all GPs, remains to support GPs as personal doctors at the heart of our Health Service, to ensure high standards of practice, and to contribute to the academic life of medicine.

Role specification

The Trustee Board is the corporate governing body for the College and is responsible for management and administration of the organisation, as well as ensuring that it meets legal obligations as a registered charity.

In conjunction with the Chair of the Trustee Board, Trustees ensure that RCGP complies with all aspects of charity law, relevant regulations and reporting standards in all matters, and that governance is in line with best practice. This includes seeking appropriate consultation on relevant governance issues, such as the structure of Boards and Committees.

Trustees provide overall corporate strategic direction for the college, ensure robust financial and business planning, and support a delivery and accountability framework. It operates five committees – Audit and Risk, Planning and Resources, Governance, Nominations, and Remuneration. All Trustees are expected to participate in at least one committee, which are made up of member and independent (lay) Trustees, officers, college member representatives, and external subject matter experts.

Finally, Trustees provide advice and guidance to the Chair and the Trustee Board and hold the executive management team to account on their duties. They contribute to a supportive culture and ensure that risk management and strategic delivery are embedded in the organisation.

Person specification

The Royal College of General Practitioners is looking for a new Lay Trustee who will be a qualified solicitor, barrister or advocate. Candidates will bring a legal background and experience of either acting at board level, whether as a Trustee / Director or senior executive, or influencing and advising on the strategic direction of the organisation at board level.

Candidates should be able to exercise independent judgement, have the ability to influence strategic direction and be a driver of change. They will be able to work effectively in a team, and debate issues constructively, before agreeing and maintaining an agreed corporate position. They should be able to act as an ambassador and represent RCGP effectively when required, and be committed to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. Importantly, they should support the College's purpose to support GPs and maintain the highest standards of patient healthcare in the UK.

Board composition

Professor Mike Holmes, Chair of Trustees

Professor Kamila Hawthorne MBE, Chair of Council (ex officio)

Dr Steve Mowle, Honorary Treasurer (ex officio)

Dr Michael Mulholland, Honorary Secretary (ex officio)

Professor Simon Gregory, Council Trustee

Dr Waqar Ahmed, Council Trustee

Dr Sonali Kinra, Council Trustee

Dr Imran Rafi, Council Trustee

Ian Jeffery, Lay Trustee

Ian Wilson, Lay Trustee

Chris Lake, Lay Trustee

Maria Coulson, Lay Trustee

You can find out more about the Board here.

Terms of appointment

This role is unremunerated but all expenses incurred (travel, subsistence, hotel accommodation, taxis etc) are reimbursed, up to the College’s expenses limits and policy. The appointment is for a three-year term, which can be renewed once at the discretion of the Board.


The Trustee Board meets four times per year, which are a full day face-to-face meeting (with virtual attendance available) preceded by a workshop and supper the evening before. Occasionally, extraordinary meetings may also be called. There may be additional email correspondence in between meetings. There is an annual ‘away day’, which is held off-site. Trustees also attend meetings of one Board Committee, to which they may be appointed; this has four virtual meetings per year for 2-3 hours.

The time commitment is approximately 12 days per year including meeting and reading preparation. The role involves travel to the College's office at 30 Euston Square, London. Meeting dates are set two years in advance.

The deadline for consideration is 20 July 2023.

If you would like to register your initial interest in this role, please fill in the form below.

Please note that registering your interest via this microsite does not constitute a formal application for the role. If it would be worth submitting an application, a member of the Nurole team will be directly in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know and invite you to apply through the Nurole platform.