Repton School — Governor (Safeguarding)

Repton School seeks a new Governor with senior safeguarding experience to join its Board, and to chair the Pastoral and Safeguarding Sub-Committee. Working strategically with the Board and the School's Designated Safeguarding Leads, they will ensure that safeguarding and pastoral care at Repton remain first class. (Deadline: 3 February)

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Home to nearly 1,100 pupils aged three to eighteen, Repton is a world-class, modern, flourishing community with a clear sense of purpose and momentum. As a pre-eminent co-educational, boarding and day school in the heart of Derbyshire, Repton provides an exceptional broad-based education, blending heritage with the pursuit of excellence in a 21st-century context, offering world-class facilities as well as high-quality teaching and pastoral care. 

Repton encourages a conscious equilibrium in all things, encouraging pupils to adopt a healthy balance between their studies, sport, activities of all kinds and rest, so that they can emerge as rounded, multi-faceted individuals. The sense of balance that every Reptonian benefits from is shaped by five pillars: Pastoral Care; Academia; Sport; Extra Curricular; and Spirit of Place. At Repton, pupils achieve in the classroom because they never have to prioritise academic achievement over their love of theatre, their aptitude for sport or their passion for music. The School also understands that every young person needs support at some point in their education, as they navigate the journey from childhood to adulthood. At Repton, it's OK not to be OK, and the School provides many touch-points to identify and support pupils through a combination of data-driven and traditional care.

The term ‘WellWorks’ is used to describe the communication systems which Repton uses to share information about pupils to ensure a personal approach to their well-being. As well as dedicated support from the School's Pastoral Team, Repton has fostered a culture whereby peers (including pupil mentors) provide a significant additional source of support. Staff will act on any concerns, whilst Reptonians can speak up with confidence knowing that they will be listened to and that appropriate support and action will follow. In all cases, the School takes a child-centred approach, with robust policies and processes in place to shape its response.

Repton was a pioneer amongst British schools in the international market with the establishment of Repton School Dubai in 2007. From this has sprung the Repton Family of Schools, the development of a global community which is key to Repton’s future vision. There are currently 11 schools within the Repton Family and, in the coming years, the School has exciting ambitions to grow its overseas footprint considerably, while also continuing to invest in its edtech offering, Repton Online, which enables teachers to bring their knowledge in specialisms such as Latin, Greek and STEM subjects, straight into classrooms across the globe. 

Role specification

The appointed Governor will work strategically with the Governing Body, providing insight on safeguarding matters and supporting the Designated Safeguarding Leads, alongside the incoming Director of Safeguarding Compliance, to ensure that safeguarding and pastoral care at Repton remain first class. Repton is pleased to have recently appointed a Director of Safeguarding Compliance and this Governor will work closely with that individual.

The successful applicant will be expected to:

  • Ensure that the Governing Body, leadership and management teams actively promote the well-being of pupils
  • Ensure that the appropriate systems and procedures are in place to cover all aspects of the safeguarding agenda and that all statutory Governing Body responsibilities are met
  • Be familiar with local authority policy relating to safeguarding and child protection and associated issues
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the School’s Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and in line with current legislation, guidance and best practice, and to report to the Governing Body on any necessary amendments

Person specification

Repton School is looking to appoint a Governor with up-to-date safeguarding experience / expertise. They will provide strategic support and guidance on safeguarding matters as well as act as a key part of the Governing Body to help the School achieve its strategy and ambitions.

The ideal candidate will have senior professional experience in safeguarding, having operated in an environment where specific measures are taken to protect the health and well-being of young people and children. The ideal candidate may bring first-hand experience in a primary or secondary school (for example, as a member of a school leadership team, as a former Headteacher, or as a Safeguarding Governor). Applicants from educational backgrounds may come from either the maintained or independent sectors. Candidates with safeguarding experience (involving children) in the charity sector would also be encouraged to apply. Although prior Board experience is valued, Repton welcomes applications from first-time non-executives. 

Above all, the successful applicant will be passionate about young people and education, and will share Repton School's commitment to both academic and pastoral excellence.

Board composition

A full list of current Governing Body members can be found here.

Terms of appointment

The full Governing Body meets three times per year (once per term) in person. This Governor will be expected to join the Pastoral and Safeguarding Committee, which also meets once per term. Additionally, there is an annual strategy day. Meetings take place at the School on weekdays. Governors will be expected to take the time to prepare for meetings and attend ad hoc events, which may include extra meetings during shorter terms.

Governors are appointed for an initial term of five years, which can be renewed indefinitely at the discretion of the Board. Governors are required to retire at 75 years. This role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed expenses will be reimbursed.


Candidates need not be local so long as they can travel to the School at least once per term.


Repton School welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where diverse candidates can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.

The deadline for consideration is 3 February 2023.

If you would like to register your interest in this role, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting an application and to discuss the process further.