Are your executive recruiters missing the best board-level candidates?
There was a time when you chose your next house by looking at the photos in the window of an estate agent on the high street.
There was a time when you chose your next house by looking at the photos in the window of an estate agent on the high street. It made sense. They had a manageable selection of well-presented properties – the estate agent knew them well, had a good relationship with the owner and you knew they were probably in your area and available.
But you wouldn’t dream of finding your next home like that today.
That’s because in the palm of your hand and the touch of a button you have the ability to see every property on the market – to filter by size, style and location allowing you to make your decision from a position of knowledge and control.
So if you wouldn’t risk missing out on the house of your dreams by gambling on one estate agent’s small selection of houses, why are companies still happy to select their next board level recruit from a limited pool of candidates?
Nurole solves this problem by bringing together a huge and diverse selection of high-caliber talent with an innovative online platform that allows companies to create a brilliant shortlist. Couple this with the ability of candidates to recommend others they know who are right for the role and self-select roles that are the perfect fit and the results are not only very high-quality, but sometimes very surprising.
There must be a more effective and efficient way to approach recruitment in the digital age.
Most start-ups probably wouldn’t be expecting to snare a FTSE 250 CEO as their next Non-Executive Chairman. But that’s exactly what happened to 24 Haymarket when they used Nurole to hire a board member for intelligent pipeline monitoring company Syrinix. Using traditional methods Interserve CEO Adrian Ringrose would probably have been excluded from the pool, but because they had access to thousands of high-quality self-selecting candidates Nurole was able to offer “great access to a level of seniority we would otherwise have struggled to achieve” which left the client “thrilled with the result."
Indeed, traditional recruiting methods simply couldn’t have predicted a FTSE 100 CFO’s interest in a Non Executive Director role at a FTSE 250, but Nurole’s platform gave Timon Drakesmith the opportunity to take on that new position position at The Merchant’s Trust. In fact the client was so pleased with the eight-candidate shortlist Nurole generated “it was difficult to choose which to take forward. In the end we appointed two rather than one."
Nurole was also able to use scale to solve a conundrum for the Jockey Club who expected to struggle to find an individual with a very particular mix of skills. As Andrew Wilkinson, founder and CEO of Music + Sport explains; "Our search for the unusual position of Chair for a JV embracing horse racing and music was proving difficult. If I had not experienced it first-hand I would never have believed an online platform was capable of delivering an extraordinary candidate with such efficiency and speed.”
But because of the unique way that Nurole harnesses the power of a scaled list of quality candidates, Managing Director of IMD group, Nicky Dunn OBE, was quickly identified and hired.
Our innovative platform connects tens of thousands of brilliant candidates in 100 countries.
Driven at every stage of the process by a burning belief that there must be a more effective and efficient way to approach recruitment in the digital age our innovative platform connects tens of thousands of brilliant candidates in 100 countries, recommended by the best and qualified by us - and always in the strictest confidence.
This ingenious combination of three key ingredients; scale, quality and our unique candidate-led approach doesn’t just achieve a result three times better, but a result that’s better, cubed.
And that’s why we’re convinced that just like you’ll never buy another house straight from the estate agent’s window, once a company experiences Nurole’s exponentially effective search they’ll never think the same way about board-level recruitment again.