London South Bank University - Governors

LSBU is looking to appoint up to three independent Governors from a variety of backgrounds, including health, digital strategy, estates and community.

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About London South Bank University

  • London South Bank University (LSBU) is a public university in southeast London, with a vision to transform lives, communities, businesses and society through applied education and insight. Originally the Borough Polytechnic Institute in 1892, it has been improving the lives of students, businesses and the local community in South London ever since.

  • The LSBU Group’s aim is to create educational strategies and pathways that enable people of all characteristics, talents and backgrounds to achieve their full potential, and so contribute their skills and energy to wider society throughout their lives. In April 2020, LSBU was awarded its first Athena SWAN Bronze Charter, recognising the significant work the University has undertaken to achieve a strong foundation in addressing gender bias and developing an inclusive culture. It has also seen successes in university rankings, receiving a five-star rating in the QS World Rankings 2021, and being positioned 12th among UK universities for graduate starting salaries. 

  • LSBU Group includes LSBU, Lambeth College, South Bank University Academy, South Bank UTC and South Bank University Enterprises Ltd. LSBU Group believes knowledge has the power to impact the lives of all people, across all sections of society. Over the next five years, it will adapt to take full advantage of both its new Group structure and the digital world.

  • Looking ahead, LSBU Group has plans to develop a new technical college in Vauxhall, to increase the number of young people accessing Level 3 and 4 qualifications. Its new LSBU Croydon campus has started teaching healthcare students to help the NHS tackle a severe shortage of nurses across South London. The University is undertaking a five year digital transformation project (the Leap programme) that will create a distinctive and engaging student experience.

  • Finally, LSBU Group is looking forward to the ambitious redevelopment of its London Road Building, which will modernise facilities for both staff and students and support its ongoing move from teaching via large lecture theatres to blended learning through smaller seminars complemented by online provision.

  • The 2020-2025 LSBU Group corporate strategy can be viewed here.

Role specification

  • The Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing the institution’s activities and determining its future direction in contributing to the overarching Group aim of transforming lives, communities, businesses and society through applied education and insight. It is also responsible for setting the strategic direction of the University, including: determining its educational character and mission; overseeing its financial viability; and making key policy decisions about the running of the University.

  • The new Governors will play a crucial role in the strategic oversight and development of the University during a time of exciting opportunity and investment. Given the constantly changing higher education landscape, it is more important than ever that the University ensures robust and astute governance.

Person specification

LSBU is looking to appoint 2-3 independent Governors to sit on the Board of the University. This is an exciting opportunity to play a key role in overseeing the University’s strategy. The Board would be particularly interested in those with experience in the following areas:

  • Health: The Institute of Health is the biggest academic faculty within the University; it is therefore eager to hear from those with prior senior experience within the healthcare sector, for example in a leadership role delivering front-line care or from health education or workforce planning. LSBU has a large contract with the NHS to supply medical personnel and plans to continue scaling this ambition by setting strategic partnerships with other organisations, and would consequently value candidates who will be able to share an informed perspective on these ongoing partnerships.

  • IT/Digital: As LSBU has faced strategic challenges to do with cybersecurity and its digital education offerings, it is seeking candidates who are skilled in digital change management. The University has just invested £30 million (its biggest investment yet) in digital transformation, and plans to develop its IT products and capabilities, and would therefore value a Board member who has overseen big technological changes or delivered IT strategy within organisations. They should understand how IT and digital offerings will impact students, and have an understanding of the landscape of digital transformation within large scale organisations.

  • Estates: As LBSU plans and prepares for all its upcoming development projects, the University is looking for Governors who are able to provide independent challenge to executives on any proposals that will be brought to the Board. Candidates with experience as a Chartered Surveyor or in education builds / design / construction would be particularly welcome.

  • Community: LSBU has developed strong links within the South London community, in the form of contacts with local employers, apprentice groups and SMEs. The University is looking for someone who has an appreciation of the local community of South London, and also has personal connections to the businesses of the area.

Beyond this, candidates who are able to bring further areas of expertise to add value to the Board will be considered. Candidates should share the University's vision to transform lives, communities, businesses and society through applied education and insight.

Terms of appointment

This role is unremunerated, and reasonable, pre-agreed travel plus caring expenses will be reimbursed. There are currently five Board meetings, which normally take place on a Thursday from 4-6pm, and two strategy days annually. The appointment is for a four-year term, which can be renewed once at the discretion of the Board.

The deadline for consideration is 29th November 2021.

If you would like to register your interest, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting a full application and to discuss the process further.