Latymer Foundation — Trustees

The Latymer Foundation now seeks an exceptional mental health and wellbeing Trustee, and an exceptional digital / data Trustee, to join the Board and drive forward this critical mission. (Deadline 12th May)

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Established in 1624, the Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith oversees two leading co-educational independent day schools located in West London. The Foundation's vision is that any child should be able to access a Latymer education regardless of their family’s circumstances and the schools seek to provide a life changing education for young people from all backgrounds. 

Latymer Upper School and Latymer Prep School are lively and purposeful day schools with a strong social mission. Educating 1,400 highly able and academically ambitious students, the schools offer an exceptional educational experience, surroundings and facilities.

Currently, one in five Latymer pupils receive bursaries, and the leadership and Board are wholly committed to the continuation of this provision. The Foundation’s £40m Inspiring Minds Campaign aims to ensure that one in four pupils will benefit from bursaries by 2024, the Foundation’s 400th anniversary.

Latymer has received a range of accolades for its work in achieving this goal, and is recognised as a leader in both the provision of bursaries and its extensive work in partnership with the maintained sector and the local community. In 2018, Latymer Upper School won three national awards, including the TES Independent School of the Year.

To read more about the Foundation's mission, please click here.

Role specification

It is an extremely exciting time to join the Board of the Latymer Foundation as the Foundation enters a new period of strategic planning. The Board consists of a group of highly able, forward-looking and dynamic individuals who have a shared belief that an outstanding education is life-changing and should not be limited by a pupil's circumstances. The social inequalities highlighted by the pandemic have only deepened the Foundation's commitment to removing the barriers to an outstanding and transformative education.

All Board members are both Trustees of the Latymer Foundation and Governors of Latymer Upper School and Latymer Prep School. This is a hugely rewarding voluntary role which provides an opportunity to support the Schools whilst also shaping the vision and direction for the Foundation as a whole.

In addition to contributing positively to all aspects of governance through providing guidance and experience, Governors are expected to challenge and support the executive appropriately in order to ensure that the Foundation stays true to its philanthropic roots and preserves its outward-looking ethos.

Beyond contributing to Board meetings, and in due course sitting on one of the Sub-committees, Governors are encouraged to engage with school life by attending occasional events during the academic year.

Person specification

The Foundation now seeks an exceptional mental health and wellbeing Trustee, and an exceptional digital / data Trustee, to join the Board and drive forward this critical mission.

Digital / Data. The successful candidate will understand how effectively to utilise large amounts of data to improve processes or outcomes and / or how the workplace or teaching environment may change in the next five to ten years and how best to respond to those challenges.

The successful candidate will have a strong track record of working in a digital environment. Alternatively, they may have senior experience in the application of digital solutions to business or teaching. They could be, for example, a tech entrepreneur, a management consultant, or the chief technology officer in a larger organisation.

Mental Health and Wellbeing. The successful candidate will have a background in adolescent mental health and / or wellbeing, and will understand the pressures faced by young people today. They could be a mental health clinician, a psychologist, or an academic with direct experience in the field.

Above all, Trustees will bring passion to Latymer's mission of providing first class education to students from all walks of life.

For both roles, the Latymer Foundation welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability. As women and those from an ethnic minority background are currently under-represented on the Board, applications from those individuals would be particularly encouraged.

NB: The Foundation has a limited number of spaces for current parents of Latymer pupils on the Board and asks that only those whose children are in year 9 or above apply.

Terms of appointment

There are five Governing Body meetings and three to four Sub-Committee meetings per year. The appointment is for a renewable five-year term. This role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed domestic expenses will be reimbursed.

The deadline for consideration is 12th May.

If you would like to register your interest, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting a full application and to discuss the process further.