Recruiting for your non-profit board

Nurole x Hudson Ferris

Access a broad network of 40,000+ leaders in business and society

Nurole has partnered with Hudson Ferris to help its clients find the board-level talent to take their organization to the next level.

A high performing, diverse board adds huge value to your organization and contributes in numerous ways.

But organizations need to think differently when it comes to hiring new leaders. Our best-of-both approach combines a powerful online platform with a team of industry experts to create high quality, diverse shortlists for every role. Access board-level talent from all backgrounds to build a truly 21st Century board.

Why non-profits choose Nurole


Our searches are a fraction of the cost of traditional search. Our pricing is inspired by the belief that finding a board director should be affordable for all non-profits.


Our candidates are hand-picked to ensure the highest calibre of talent. We screen them to ensure they are board ready; each applicant is worthy of consideration.

Reach & diversity

We help you cast the net wider so candidates come from different personal and professional backgrounds your board needs to hear from.


Every candidate has considered your role and consciously chosen to apply. That way, you know they share your passion and commitment to the cause.

Case studies

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