Hope for the Future supports anyone who would like to see their MP or local council taking concrete steps towards reducing the UK’s carbon emissions. Whether they are seasoned activists or someone who has never engaged with politics before, its training is tailored to maximise the agency of both constituent and policymaker to deliver measurable progress. So far, Hope for the Future has supported members of the general public, academics, faith communities, schools, climate campaigners, local groups and NGOs to play a part in Britain's journey to Net Zero.
One way or another, climate change and climate policy will affect all aspects of life in the UK. As such, all political decisions can and ought to be seen through the prism of the climate crisis. From transport to healthcare, the policies developed and implemented now will shape the inevitable change witnessed throughout society in the coming decades. Whether the country move towards a future of climate related disasters or a future where human prosperity and wellbeing is achieved within ecological limits, the UK is at a critical moment in history. With the general election on the horizon, it is a vital time to keep up the pressure on the UK government and other parties to influence manifestos and encourage bigger, bolder commitments to positive action for climate and nature.
Hope for the Future is at its own critical moment. The charity has recently undergone a restructure, and has consolidated its activities. The successful Treasurer candidate can expect a challenging but stimulating and rewarding role in the heart of a dynamic and fast-paced organisation. The incoming Treasurer will play a proactive role in steering growth and contribute to the effective delivery against the charity's 2023-2025 Strategy.