Hope and Homes for Children - Trustee

Hope and Homes for Children is looking for a Trustee who will bring senior finance experience and broader governance expertise, ideally including some experience in the fields of audit, legal, compliance and risk. They will bring financial experience of working in/with complex organisations and will be financially qualified in order to propel the charity towards its growth objectives. (Deadline: 18th April)

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Hope and Homes for Children is a charity whose mission is to be the catalyst for the global elimination of institutional care for children, fighting for every child to feel the love and belonging of a safe family home. Working with teams and partners in ten countries, the charity works to eliminate orphanages by preventing the separation of children from their families in the first place, reuniting them where this is possible, and by developing alternative forms of family and community-based care arrangements when it isn't.

Hope and Homes for Children believes that orphanages cause harm to children. Institutional care can cause severe psychological and emotional damage to children, as well as higher levels of abuse, neglect and mortality. The shocking truth is that these are almost always children who have, or could have, a family to look after them. To love them. But today, over 5.4m children are trapped within institutions. It’s not right and it must stop.

Since 1994, Hope and Homes for Children has been inspiring organisations, including the UN, EU and governments around the world, to close the doors of orphanages forever. In Rwanda it has just twelve orphanages left to close and in Bulgaria just four. It has led the reduction of children confined in the orphanage system in Romania from over 100,000 to less than 4,000. It is making similar progress in Moldova, while helping to negotiate national commitments to reform in South Africa, Nepal, Ukraine, Kenya, and India.

Hope and Homes for Children believes it can achieve its mission in its lifetime by working through partnerships and leveraging funds through governments, NGOs and other international bodies involved in global childcare reform. The charity's range of transformative partnerships includes the multinational law firm Allen & Overy, British luxury jewellery brand Boodles, and YouTube. It has delivered two highly successful UK Aid Match campaigns, the most recent of which, End The Silence in partnership with YouTube, gained support from Ed Sheeran, Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Elton John, generated over 100 pieces of media coverage, raised £5.6m and went on to win an Institute of Fundraising Award. The organisation has just launched its new strategy and refreshed its brand and website.

Hope and Homes for Children is deeply concerned for the 100,000 children warehoused in Ukraine’s orphanage system. Please click here to know more about how the charity is working with partners to support the emergency relief effort. 

Role specification

Hope and Homes for Children seeks a Trustee who will join a high-calibre, engaged and passionate Board which oversees the charity's exciting trajectory towards achieving its mission. While it is expected that all trustees will contribute to the future sustainability of the charity, the Board would like to appoint one new Trustee with senior financial management experience. This person will also be able to demonstrate broader governance expertise, for example gained from undertaking a role such as Chief Operating Officer or General Manager in an international environment. Ideally this includes some experience in the fields of audit, legal, compliance and risk.

Collectively, the Trustees determine the overall strategic direction and development of the organisation, by agreeing organisational policies, budgets and objectives, ensuring targets are set and performance is measured against such targets. They also have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the good name, reputation, vision, mission and values of Hope and Homes for Children and to ensure the charity complies with its governing documents, relevant legislation and regulatory requirements.

This Trustee will also be a key member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and as such ensure the effective and efficient administration of Hope and Homes for Children and its financial stability, contributing specific skills, knowledge or experience which he / she may have to help the Trustees reach sound decisions.

Trustees are also expected to engage with international stakeholders to keep informed about the organisation's financial activities, but also the wider issues that affect the charity's work.

Person specification

Hope and Homes for Children seeks a new Trustee who is aligned with its mission and is passionate about improving the lives of children by working towards ending institutional care for them. The charity is looking for a Trustee with senior financial management experience, with an understanding of complex financial reporting, internal control and risk management. Also important is an understanding of the role of governance in organisations, whether in the private, public or voluntary sector. Previous experience of working in a not-for-profit organisation is highly desirable.

The successful candidate will demonstrate skill and sensitivity in dealing with people at all levels, both internally and externally, the ability to act as a sounding board for the Executive on relevant issues, and the intellectual capacity to grasp issues outside personal experience and to take a strategic view. He or she will also demonstrate Hope and Homes for Children’s values of excellence, courage, and integrity, exhibit the ability to inspire confidence and build positive relationships with its principal stakeholders, and be capable of working effectively as a member of a team.


Hope and Homes for Children actively encourages equality and diversity and it looks to recruit across age, gender, ethnicity and background. It is keen to see a diverse membership of both the trustee body and committees as it believes that diversity will bring it closer to its mission of eliminating orphanages. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where candidates from underrepresented groups can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.

Terms of appointment

This role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed travel expenses will be reimbursed. There are five Board meetings per year. Four of the meetings are three hours’ duration and are a mixture of online and face-to-face. There is also a two-day away day where the Trustees will meet in person. In addition, the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meets online quarterly with briefer monthly meetings as required. The total expected time commitment per year (including meeting preparation) is c. 12-15 days per year. Travelling for other in-person organisational events is encouraged and would be greatly appreciated but is not mandatory.

All applications will be reviewed by the People Committee members after which applicants will be invited to attend a panel interview with the Board Chair, the Chair of the People Committee and one other trustee. Trustees are appointed for an initial term of three years, with the possibility of renewing for a further three-year term.

On appointment, the organisation will take out references and complete a DBS check in accordance with its safeguarding policy.

The deadline for consideration is 18th April 2022.

If you would like to register your interest in this role, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting an application and to discuss the process further.