The successful candidate(s) will have strategic-level expertise with responsibility for one or more of the following areas:
Finance and accounting: Candidates will have experience working directly with financial and accounting issues in either a commercial, public or third-sector context. They should have a solid understanding of finance issues gained in a senior finance or accounting function role.
Legal: Candidates will have in-depth experience of working directly with legal issues. This experience may have been gained as a lawyer, or as a non-lawyer with extensive experience of soliciting legal advice. They will be able to provide counsel on deciding when legal advice needs to be procured.
Clinical: Candidates will be an expert in their field, preferably involving children, palliative care, or other clinical experience relevant to the charity’s service users. They will bring a clear understanding of the governance structures and processes within a clinical provider organisation.
Human resource management: Candidates will bring a deep understanding of human resource strategies of organisations of a similar size to that of the charity. Applicants should also have an understanding of UK employment law as well as a sense of current market trends in terms of people and employment practices.
Fundraising: Candidates will demonstrate a successful track record of strong professional fundraising experience. They will have a strong network within grant-giving charities and foundations or similar, which can be leveraged to raise funds for Haven House Children's Hospice. They will operate at a strategic level and advise on enhancing the charity's profile within local or regional government and related authorities / institutions.
Business development: Candidates will be able to demonstrate experience of leading the business development function of an educational or commercial organisation. They will work with other Trustees to identify opportunities for growth, and advise on releasing funds for reinvestment.
Strategic marketing and communications: The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate responsibility for driving the marketing and communications strategy of an organisation, including overall image and branding. Those with a background in digital marketing will be preferred.
On a personal level, candidates should have a passion and commitment for the cause of the charity and what it aims to achieve. The charity is open to receiving applications from those who are seeking their first board-level role, as long as they are able to work collaboratively and constructively as a member of the Board.