Girls' Day School Trust Academy Trust - Trustee

The GDST Academy Trust is looking for a Trustee with financial expertise who is interested in helping shape the future of girls’ education.

Visit the GDST website
office block

About the GDST Academy Trust

  • The GDST is the UK’s leading network of independent girls’ schools, where girls learn without limits. Founded in 1872, the GDST has a long history of pioneering innovation in the education of girls. It is the UK’s leading network of girls’ schools and single largest educator of girls, with over 19,000 pupils in 23 independent girls’ schools and the two academies.

  • In 2007, the GDST established the GDST Academy Trust to operate its academies which currently consist of The Belvedere Academy in Liverpool and Birkenhead High School Academy on the Wirral. The Girls’ Day School Trust Academy Trust enjoys close connections to its principal sponsor, the GDST, though they are separate legal entities.

  • The Belvedere Academy has been part of Liverpool’s educational landscape for over 130 years, initially as an independent school before transferring to academy status in 2007. The Academy caters for pupils from ages 11 to 19, and admits pupils of all abilities across the region. The Academy is heavily oversubscribed, and provides a large range of educational and extra-curricular opportunities to its pupils.

  • Situated on the Wirral, Birkenhead High School Academy is a vibrant learning community offering pupils aged 3 to 19 years an outstanding education. There has been a school on the site for over 100 years. Pupils are given every opportunity to develop into confident, articulate and responsible young women. They are constantly challenged, and encouraged to take risks and to develop a life-long love of learning.

  • The Academies’ unique association with the GDST ensures that pupils and staff benefit from operating within a nationwide family of schools committed to the education of young people and preparing them to have positive and meaningful adult lives in the ever-changing modern world. The Academies share the GDST’s aims of excellence in girls’ education and driving innovation.

Role specification

  • The Academy Trust Board (ATB) is responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of the organisation. It sets strategy, monitors performance against key indicators, and reviews policies and procedures. The Board also has a duty to maintain the financial stability of the Academy Trust and review any policies and procedures in order to provide internal control and mitigate risk.

  • In addition to sitting on the GDST Academy Trust Board, the successful candidate will also sit on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. The Committee's duties include monitoring financial probity and sustainability, ensuring there is careful consideration of the budget process and controls. The Committee recommends the annual budgets and accounts to the Academy Trust Board for approval as well as seeking assurance from the Academies that they are on track to meet their financial targets.

  • The Trust can provide safeguarding training alongside a general induction, so the successful applicant will gain a solid understanding of the current requirements for schools and the manner in which the Trust obtains assurance in this vital area.

Person specification

  • The GDST Academy Trust is seeking to recruit an individual with financial expertise who is interested in helping shape the future of girls’ education.

  • In particular, the Trust is seeking someone with a demonstrable track record of success in senior finance roles, and is likely to be financially qualified. They should have recent and relevant knowledge of financial management, risk management and reviewing accounts and business cases, such as to enable them to successfully contribute to the ATB Finance, Audit & Risk Committee.

  • It is desirable, though not necessary, for candidates to be familiar with Liverpool and an appreciation for the local area. The successful candidate will have a strong interest in the education and voluntary sectors. Sound judgement, strong communication skills and an empathy with the mission and values of the GDST Academy Trust are also essential.

Terms of appointment

This role is unremunerated, and reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. There are three Board and four Sub-Committee meetings annually. There will also be induction and training, and Trustees are encouraged to visit the schools. Board and Sub-Committee meetings take place either at the GDST’s central office in London, at the academies in Liverpool, or virtually. The appointment is for a four-year term, which can be renewed once at the discretion of the Board.

The deadline for candidates to be considered is 22nd November 2021.

If you would like to register your interest, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting a full application and to discuss the process further.