Equality and Human Rights Commission (The Scotland Committee) - Scotland Committee Members

EHRC's Scotland Committee is looking for new members to bring a wealth of experience of operating at a senior level within business and the private sector. This could be from any function and the Committee is open to a breadth of skills and expertise but proven knowledge of the context of the equality and human rights across Britain and particularly in Scotland will be beneficial. Lastly, prior Board experience will be required.

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is Britain’s national equality body and a United Nations recognised ‘A’ status National Human Rights Institution (NHRI). It upholds the Equality Act, and people’s human rights, working without fear or favour. It uses the full force of its legal powers to defend people from unfair or unequal treatment and to challenge breaches of the law. It advises on developing laws and providing guidance, training and support to enable compliance.

In its role as a regulator, the EHRC prevents and challenges unlawful acts and enable sectors and organisations to understand and meet their legal duties. It uses a range of regulatory tools to do this, from advising government to taking legal action.

It prides itself on being independent, authoritative and agile and its independence is protected in law. It work with employers, governments, regulators, charities and many other organisations to promote understanding of equality and human rights and compliance with the law, taking enforcement action when necessary. Its work is relevant to every part of, and every person in, Britain.

The EHRC's new strategy for 2022-25 gives it a strong platform to show that it will use its powers to protect and promote equality and human rights, and that it has identified the main challenges in society where it can make a difference in its role as a regulator in the coming years. 

Further information about the EHRC can be found at its website.

EHRC's Scotland Committee

In Scotland, the EHRC's focus is on making the most of the opportunities presented by devolution and the distinctive legislative and policy framework in order to progress equality and human rights in Scotland.

The Committee provides informed, impartial and balanced perspectives on a range of sensitive and complex issues. It ensures that the Commission delivers its functions in a manner appropriate to Scotland and learns from the Scottish experience of equality and human rights. In its work on human rights, it works closely with the Scottish Human Rights Commission who have responsibility for human rights issues on devolved matters in Scotland.

Role specification

The role of the Scotland Committee is set out in statute in the UK Equality Act 2006. Its Committee members understand the social, economic and legal context relating to the Commission’s work in Scotland and are able to apply this to inform the priorities of the Commission in Scotland. They are responsible for:

  • Overseeing and guiding the work of the Commission in Scotland
  • Advising the Commission on how its policies and programmes affect people living in Scotland
  • Contributing a Scottish perspective to the Commission’s strategic and business plans
  • Advising the Scottish Government on all matters relating to the equality and human rights implications of legislation affecting Scotland in line with our statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2006.

The Committee places great importance on engaging with, listening to, and learning from people across Scotland. It engages with a range of people from senior public service managers to equality practitioners and community organisations. The Committee brings people together to hear about their experiences and perspectives to help inform its work.

Outside of these events, Committee members act as ambassadors for the Commission and there are numerous opportunities to represent the organisation and its work. These include through meetings with senior government officials, Members of the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government Ministers, attending and speaking at relevant conferences and providing strategic advice to staff on projects.

The Scotland Committee Members more specifically:

  • Support the Scotland Commissioner in their interaction with Commissioners on the EHRC Board and with the Chair and Chief Executive of the Commission.
  • Contribute to the process of advising the Scottish Government about the equality and human rights impact of legislation affecting Scotland.
  • Contribute to the development of the Commission’s Strategic and Business plans, to ensure the Scotland context is reflected.
  • Shape the development of policy and strategic priorities in Scotland and their delivery by staff.
  • Represent the Commission in Scotland, including stakeholder and community engagement.
  • Engage with other committees in the Commission.
  • Be an ambassador for the Commission, sharing our evidence; championing good practice and bringing people together to listen, learn and to amplify the voice of those less often heard.

Committee Members are expected to adhere to the Commission’s Governance Manual, and must demonstrate a commitment to the Nolan seven principles of public life: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership.

Person specification

The Scotland Committee Members take pride in being aspirational, inclusive, practical and challenging, influential and persuasive. EHRC will be looking for these qualities in new members.

EHRC's Scotland Committee is looking for new members to bring a wealth of experience of operating at a senior level within business and the private sector, to ensure that it has the right balance of skills and expertise across the Committee.

Essential Criteria

  • Significant experience of operating at a senior level, ideally within the business or private sector and with experience of regulation being an additional benefit
  • Proven knowledge of the context of the equality and human rights across Britain, and particularly in Scotland
  • Practical understanding of the social, economic, cultural, legal and political context in Scotland
  • Prior experience as a non-executive or Trustee, with an excellent understanding of and commitment to good governance
  • Proven ability to work impartially and non-politically, in a sensitive and sometimes politically charged policy agenda
  • Ability to assimilate complex information and participate fully in Committee deliberations and strategic debate across the whole range of the Commission’s work
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrating an ability to work collaboratively, identify key issues and reach balanced conclusions
  • Ability to work in partnership and engage with a wide range of people and organisations in Scotland to promote and explain the work of the Commission

Board composition

Dr Lesley Sawers (Chair and Scotland Commissioner)
Mariam Ahmed
Lindsey Millen
Tatora Mukushi
Rami Okasha

Further details on the current members can be found here

Terms of appointment

The Committee holds an average of 6 meetings throughout the year. Each Committee Member will be expected to commit to 12 days per year to the role. Committee members will be remunerated at £250 per day plus reasonable expenses, as agreed by the Commission. Appointments will be for between 2-5 years, subject to annual performance appraisal.




Note from the EHRC - At the Commission, we are proud of our respectful workplace that values the contribution of our people, whatever their background. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Our recruitment decisions are based on fair, open competition, with appointment on merit. We welcome applications from every to ensure we achieve a balanced representation on our Committees.

It is important that the Scotland Committee can demonstrate that it is diverse in its thought, experience and ability to carry out its work with reference to everyone in Scotland and to those experiencing discrimination and exclusion. We would welcome applications from those who help to keep our Committee broad and diverse, particularly in relation to disabled people, lesbian gay bisexual and Trans people, young people and Black and Ethnic Minority people.

As a Disability Confident Leader, the Equality and Human Rights Commission offers an interview for people with disabilities (as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004) and who meet the minimum criteria for the appointment. Where high numbers of applications are received, the candidates that best meet the minimum criteria for the role may only be invited to interview. If you wish to apply for consideration under this scheme, please mention this in the interest form.

The deadline for consideration is 15 June 2023.

If you would like to register your initial interest in this role, please fill in the form below.

Please note that registering your interest via this microsite does not constitute a formal application for the role. If it would be worth submitting an application, a member of the Nurole team will be directly in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know and invite you to apply through the Nurole platform.