The proposed time commitment is 12–15 days per year. It is expected that Council Members will also have an active interest in College and attend regularly by arrangement.
Full Council meets in-person six times per year: usually a Friday morning once a term, one to two all-day meetings, and a working session the evening prior to the Summer Council meeting. Members are also expected to join at least one Council committee, which will meet three / four times a year. There may be occasional, additional or working group meetings from time to time, as required.
Dates are issued 12 months in advance so that Members can plan their diaries. Council Members are expected to attend as many meetings as possible and to attend significant College events (such as Speech Day and the AGM). Remote meeting attendance may be possible for those unable to attend a meeting in person, if appropriate.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate expects Council Members to be familiar with staff, pupils and parents and to be known to those stakeholders. It also expects Council Members to be familiar with the workings of College and the curriculum. An initial induction is provided, and Council Members are encouraged to visit (by arrangement) throughout their tenure to observe College in session.
Council receives support from a Clerk to Council and an office administrator. Meeting papers are provided seven days prior, and meetings proceed on the basis that papers have been read in advance.
The role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed domestic expenses will be reimbursed.