Cheltenham Ladies' College — Council Members

At an exciting stage in its 168-year development, Cheltenham Ladies' College seeks new Council Members with one or more of the following skills: HR, Engineering / STEM, External Property Management and / or Accountancy. (Deadline 29th August)

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Cheltenham Ladies' College (CLC) is a globally-renowned independent boarding and day school for 870+ girls aged 11 to 18 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Consistently ranked as one of the top all-girls' schools nationally and internationally, CLC has an inspirational heritage of pioneering education for young women and its future aims are no less ambitious.

Over the coming decade the goal is for College and its pupils to succeed as never before. To achieve this, College is focused on delivering against the following strategic aims:

  • To increase bursary provision to ensure more pupils, regardless of means, are able to access the benefits of a College education
  • To diversify income streams to protect the future finances of College
  • To deliver improved facilities aligned to the Estates Masterplan
  • To achieve net carbon zero emissions by 2030
  • To maintain a pupil roll of 880 but with a greater diversity of pupils both nationally and internationally
  • To add to the public benefit provision by College, by extending our outreach and community based programmes.
  • To attract and retain the best talent
  • To continue to innovate and review curriculum provision, to ensure pupils are well prepared for the workplace as well as for successful further academic study
  • To maintain a strong focus on staff and pupil welfare and wellbeing
  • To broaden and strengthen its educations and community partnerships, both locally and abroad

In preparing students to navigate and shape this complex and changing world, CLC recognises not only the importance of academic excellence, but also of supporting and challenging pupils’ opinions, promoting independence, and embracing inclusion and diversity within its community. This means nurturing a culture of tolerance, compassion and resilience, recognising and understanding difference and the value this brings, and drawing strength from developing shared values.

United by a strong sense of community and service, under the leadership of Principal Eve Jardine-Young, College is at an exciting stage in its 168-year development, and holds a strong commitment to investing imaginatively in its future. For further information about Cheltenham Ladies’ College, please see:

Role specification

College is incorporated by Royal Charter which sets out the framework for governance and management. Council Members are trustees of the registered charity, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, and perform a voluntary, non-executive role in overseeing the day-to-day running of College by the Principal and Leadership Team (LT) which has responsibility for the vision of College and its implementation.

Council comprises a maximum of 15 Elected Members appointed by the Corporate Members of College, and three Nominated Members appointed by the academic staff, the support staff and the Incorporated Guild of Cheltenham Ladies’ College (CLC’s alumnae organisation) respectively. Each Member brings a wealth of different skills and experience to Council, and are appointed for a term of three years, serving up to three three-year terms.

Council business is carried out within a structured framework of committees and individual responsibilities relating to specific areas of College’s operation. Periodically, committees or working groups of Council Members, Co-opted Members and staff may be established to provide oversight of specific areas of operation.

Council is a corporate body, and no Member has the power to act as an individual without the authorisation of the whole body. Members are bound by the decisions of Council and are covered by appropriate insurance, provided that they do not act recklessly.

Person specification

At an exciting stage in the school's 168-year development, Cheltenham Ladies' College seeks new Council Members with one or more of the following skills: HR, Engineering / STEM, External Property Management, and / or Accountancy.

  • HR: Candidates should have experience of staff and organisational issues across any sector including compensation and benefits, talent acquisition and development, employee relations, Health and Safety, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and labour law compliance. They will be able to support College in implementing strong protocols, for example regarding pensions and pay review systems
  • ENGINEERING / STEM: Candidates should have a background in a major discipline with a track record of delivering complex or multi-disciplinary engineering projects within financial constraints. The could potentially be a CEO / COO / CTO or hold a similar position in a technology business, or be an entrepreneur. Candidates will be able to support College in ensuring that its educational provision continues at the highest level, and is at the forefront of technological development
  • EXTERNAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: Candidates should bring a strong background within the facilities management sphere, a proven ability to deliver major infrastructure projects, and an understanding of project and financial management
  • ACCOUNTANCY: Candidates must hold an accountancy qualification and bring experience of strategic financial oversight and financial governance. An understanding of the charities and educational sector is desirable

Other candidate qualities are as follows.

  • Considerable experience of leadership at a senior level
  • Understanding of business management and financial accounting / management at Board level
  • Understanding of the difference between governance and management
  • Good understanding of the principles of good governance
  • Strong intellect and sound strategic skills, with the ability to build a collective vision for the organisation
  • A warm, collegiate and diplomatic style, but with the ability to take tough decisions when required
  • Independence of thought and clarity of explanation
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills, capable of managing relations with a diverse range of stakeholders
  • An international mindset
  • A strong personal commitment to the vision, activities and objectives of Cheltenham Ladies’ College and a deep interest in education

Above all, candidates should have a strong empathy with CLC's founding principles, vision, mission and values, and bring skills and experience at a senior strategic level in one of the following areas to help develop the school’s strategy, guide policy and initiatives, and ensure that College remains a pioneering educational organisation.

Terms of appointment

The proposed time commitment is 12–15 days per year. It is expected that Council Members will also have an active interest in College and attend regularly by arrangement.

Full Council meets in-person six times per year: usually a Friday morning once a term, one to two all-day meetings, and a working session the evening prior to the Summer Council meeting. Members are also expected to join at least one Council committee, which will meet three / four times a year. There may be occasional, additional or working group meetings from time to time, as required.

Dates are issued 12 months in advance so that Members can plan their diaries. Council Members are expected to attend as many meetings as possible and to attend significant College events (such as Speech Day and the AGM). Remote meeting attendance may be possible for those unable to attend a meeting in person, if appropriate.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate expects Council Members to be familiar with staff, pupils and parents and to be known to those stakeholders. It also expects Council Members to be familiar with the workings of College and the curriculum. An initial induction is provided, and Council Members are encouraged to visit (by arrangement) throughout their tenure to observe College in session.

Council receives support from a Clerk to Council and an office administrator. Meeting papers are provided seven days prior, and meetings proceed on the basis that papers have been read in advance.

The role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed domestic expenses will be reimbursed.  


Candidates will be UK-based. 

The deadline for consideration is 29th August.

If you would like to register your interest, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting a full application and to discuss the process further.