Academy Transformation Trust — Cluster Chair

Academy Transformation Trust seeks a Cluster Chair who will be able to offer exceptional leadership skills to the joint local governing body of Ravens Academy and Kingsmoor Academy in Essex. (Deadline: 6 March)

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Since its foundation in 2011, Academy Transformation Trust (ATT) has grown to its current family of 21 academies (primary, secondary, post-16 and FE, and one special school) operating across the East, South East, East Midlands and West Midlands. ATT is responsible for the education of over 13,500 learners, for the careers of almost 2,000 colleagues, and for the most effective spending of over £80m of taxpayer income each year. The Trust's vision is to transform the lives of its learners, its staff, and the communities it serves. It encapsulates that ambition in one simple slogan: #TransformingLives.

ATT is seeking a Cluster Chair who will chair the joint governing body of Ravens Academy in Clacton-on-Sea, and Kingsmoor Academy in Harlow. This is a newly-established role as ATT moves to a structure of clustered local governing bodies within particular geographies.

Ravens Academy is a small primary school with just over 100 students. It is in an area of high deprivation. Currently in special measures, Ravens is due to be inspected again soon by Ofsted and is highly likely to improve its grade. Staff recruitment and student attendance are challenges for the school but student behaviour is excellent and the school is very proud of its student body. The Principal, Valerie Rose, has built a strong and collaborative leadership team and is making very positive strides towards the future.

Kingsmoor Academy is a larger primary school of nearly 300 students. Rated 'good' by ofsted, Kingsmoor is also in an area of deprivation with a high level of students requiring SEN support. The Principal, Angela Lymbouris, has made some positive changes and built a strong leadership team with the school on a definite journey of improvement. The school is starting to attract more students and now has two forms in every year, so continuing to recruit students strongly is a priority for the next years. 

Role specification

The Chair will work closely with the joint local governing body (LBG) to promote and maintain high standards of educational achievement by offering support, challenge and encouragement. The Chair must provide the LGB with a clear lead and direction for the Governors, taking responsibility for the delegation of tasks. The LGB will monitor, scrutinise and support the performance of each academy.

The LGB will scrutinise:

  • Predicted and actual educational performance against the academies' Evaluation and Improvement Plan
  • Specific aspects of the academies' educational performance, such as their impact on pupils / learners with SEND, their use of pupil premium and other designated funding grants and any performance gaps between different groups of pupils / learners
  • The academies' approach to ensuring the personal development of pupils / learners e.g. attendance, punctuality and behaviour (including exclusions) and the academies' impact on developing positive attitudes among pupils / learners
  • The impact of academy improvement activity, including the Full Academy Review (FAR) and other Challenge, Support and Intervention (CSI) processes
  • The impact of professional and pedagogic development activity
  • The performance of the academies in regard to Ofsted inspections and the delivery of any required academy improvement plans
  • How stakeholder views are sought and responded to in order to inform academy improvement
  • The academies' approach to risk management
  • The local implementation and impact of Trust-wide policies and procedures  

The LGB will inform and support by:

  • Contributing to Ofsted inspection processes as the representatives of governance 
  • Contributing to CSI processes, including the FAR and regular CSI forums
  • Ensuring that the views of local stakeholders are reflected in academy activity

Person specification

Academy Transformation Trust seeks a Cluster Chair who will offer exceptional leadership skills to the joint local governing body of Ravens Academy and Kingsmoor Academy. The successful candidate will be bold, charismatic, be able to bring different personalities together and to recruit strong governors to the Board. They will be able to chair a meeting to time, while offering support and constructive challenge to the Schools' senior leadership teams. 

ATT is very open as to the successful applicant's professional background as long as they are pragmatic and can think outside the box. They could be from the public or private sector, and from within the education sector or not, but above all will understand the nuances of applying these skills to a school context. They could, for example, have a senior-level HR or finance background, general leadership / management, or change management background. Equally this person could be a senior-level educationalist — previous ATT Chairs have come from both within and outside of the education sector. This person should not be daunted by working in areas of high deprivation and would ideally bring some links within either or both Schools' local community and have the capacity to build strong networks in each school's community. Previous board experience is welcome, but not essential. 

Above all, however, candidates will have a passion for ensuring that all learners receive the best possible outcomes, and will share ATT's values: a commitment to education, innovation and improvement; transparency and integrity; and a dedication to inclusivity. 

Board composition

A list of current Trustees and local academy committee chairs can be found here.

Terms of appointment

There are four LGB meetings per school per year. Two meetings take place virtually and the other two happen in person, one at each school. Additionally, there is a termly Chairs' briefing. The Cluster Chair will also be expected to make termly school visits and meet with the school Principals fortnightly or monthly. Some of these meetings can take place virtually. The appointment is for a four-year term. The role is unremunerated but reasonable, pre-agreed expenses will be reimbursed and governance training is offered.


Two LGB meetings will be in person at the individual academies, and two will be virtual. Candidates will be UK-based and ideally local to the schools. 


Academy Transformation Trust welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability. As women, younger people, those from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds which reflect the local community, and those with a disability are currently under-represented, applications from those individuals would be particularly encouraged. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where candidates from underrepresented groups can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.

The deadline for consideration is 6 March 2023.

If you would like to register your initial interest in this role, please fill in the form below.

Please note that registering your interest via this microsite does not constitute a formal application for the role. If it would be worth submitting an application, a member of the Nurole team will be directly in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know and invite you to apply through the Nurole platform.