Afghanaid — Treasurer
Afghanaid is looking for a qualified accountant to become its Treasurer. They will be responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation and will chair the Board's Finance Committee.
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Afghanaid is looking for a qualified accountant to become its Treasurer. They will be responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation and will chair the Board's Finance Committee.
Visit the websiteAfghanaid was established in 1983 to serve the needs of Afghans fleeing war in Afghanistan, following the invasion by the Soviet Union. Now in its 40th year, Afghanaid has become one of the longest serving and most widely respected non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Afghanistan.
Headquartered in Kabul, Afghanaid operates in 10 provinces, directly managing programs in four remote and food-insecure regions: Badakhshan, Samangan, Ghor, and Daykundi. With a London-based fundraising and communications team, Afghanaid's work focuses on four key pillars: providing basic services for all; supporting communities to adapt to the ravages of climate change and reduce their exposure to disasters; promoting sustainable livelihoods and food security; and delivering assistance in humanitarian crises. Across all these endeavours, Afghanaid steadfastly champions the advancement of women's rights, engagement, and empowerment, as well as actively engaging in conflict mitigation and peace-building initiatives.
In the wake of the Taliban's takeover, Afghanaid shifted in focus from development systems to emergency humanitarian assistance. The charity saw a huge increase in both demand and support, with income reaching £18m and an expanded workforce of almost 800. This has since settled to a revenue of c. £10-12 million, and Afghanaid is now looking to rebalance its impact again to providing more long-term support.
The Treasurer is responsible for overall oversight of the financial affairs of the organisation and would be expected to Chair the Board's Finance Committee. This will require working closely with the Director of Operations and the Managing Director, both of whom are based in Afghanistan, to:
With the current Treasurer stepping down, Afghanaid is seeking a qualified accountant to assume the role. The new Treasurer will be responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation and would be expected to Chair the Board Finance Committee.
The ideal candidate will be financially qualified, and may come from a senior position at a top-tier consulting or accounting firm, or may have held a strategic senior finance function role at a commercial organisation. Candidates should possess strategic thinking and communication skills, along with a demonstrated track record of managerial or leadership experience but also be willing to take a more proactive, hands-on approach to their responsibilities. The role requires someone who is willing to dedicate the time, working with the finance team in Kabul.
Above all, candidates should be aligned to Afghanaid's mission of empowering Afghan communities through essential services, resilience-building, sustainable livelihoods, and humanitarian aid, with a focus on women's rights and peace-building.
The Board is open to those for whom this would be their first non-executive role, as long as they understand the difference between executive and non-executive engagement, as well have an appreciation of governance and risk.
For further information about the Board of Trustees, please click here.
This role is unremunerated, and reasonable, pre-agreed travel expenses will be reimbursed. The Treasurer is expected to attend a minimum of:
Additionally, the Treasurer is expected to engage in regular one-on-one discussions with the Director of Operations, with the frequency adjusted as needed for specific matters.
Afghanaid's management team is based in Kabul, and trustee meetings are typically conducted virtually. While visiting Afghanistan is not mandatory, a small group of Trustees typically undertakes an in-depth visit annually.
Given the time commitment required for the role, the ideal candidate is expected to be nearing the end of their executive career and available to fulfill the responsibilities.
Afghanaid welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, belief or disability. As women are currently under-represented on the Board, applications from those individuals would be particularly encouraged. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where candidates from underrepresented groups can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.
If you would like to register your initial interest in this role, please fill in the form below.
Please note that registering your interest via this microsite does not constitute a formal application for the role. If it would be worth submitting an application, a member of the Nurole team will be directly in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know and invite you to apply through the Nurole platform.