Action4Youth — Trustees

As part of the Action4Youth's exciting growth plan over the next few years, it is now looking to expand its Board of Trustees. The charity seeks three new Trustees of which one will bring accounting and senior finance expertise, one will have legal experience and the third will be able to advise on project or property management. (Deadline: 1 December)

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Action4Youth is a youth charity providing positive and transformational experiences, activities, programmes and courses which help and inspire young people. It works with young people from all backgrounds and of all abilities to make a real difference to their lives through a range of fun and challenging programmes and initiatives.

The charity changes lives and creates better chances for young people by creating opportunities to discover their personal strengths and potential. It is based in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes but reaches young people across the south east of England.

Action4Youth is a leading delivery partner for the National Citizen Service (NCS) and consistently overdelivers in terms of both quality and quantity. Its Inspiration Programme enriches the lives of young people in schools across the area and it runs a mentoring programme for young people particularly in need of positive support. It has a membership of around 100 organisations, offering them a range of essential support and service. The charity also operates the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and its outdoor centre, Caldecotte Xperience, in Milton Keynes, creates opportunities for young people to have amazing experiences, building their confidence and self-belief.

Action4Youth has several initiatives that it wishes to roll out and that have the potential to grow significantly. Two of these are the Inspiration Programme, which provides sixth form students with practical knowledge of working life, and the Breakout Programme, a special programme to help young people at risk of being groomed for crime.

Action4Youth's mission is to support all young people’s growth towards fulfilling and responsible adult lives, developing physical, mental, spiritual, moral and cultural abilities which act as a springboard towards realising dreams, a safety net for those at risk, and a voice of influence - from the young and for the young.

Role specification

All Trustees add energy, purpose and substance to the team. They will ensure that Action4Youth complies with its governing document (the Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations. They will contribute actively by setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against those targets, as well as ensuring the financial stability of Action4Youth.

The new Trustees will use their specific skillset and relevant experience to help the Board make strategic decisions and expand its reach to transform the lives of young people from all backgrounds and abilities. The Trustees will have a strong alignment with the vision and mission of Action4Youth and pro-actively help to work towards its success and growth.

In addition to the formal Board meetings, Trustees will be willing to undertake informal engagement with the charity, including providing advice on an ad hoc basis to the management team, and engaging with children to promote the culture of the charity. Trustees will be expected to use their specific knowledge and experience to help the Board reach sound decisions; assist the senior leadership team with advice as required; and be informed and supportive of the organisation's activities.

Person specification

Action4Youth is seeking three new Trustees who are aligned to its mission, and who will bring knowledge and expertise from one of the following areas:

Finance and accounting: The successful candidate must be a chartered accountant or have a professional qualification in accountancy. They don't have to currently be a practicing accountant but they will have a solid understanding of financial, risk and corporate governance systems, gained by serving as a financial director or a similar senior role in a UK-based organisation. They will be prepared to make difficult and demanding recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

Legal: This Trustee will bring experience of law and compliance and will provide scrutiny to the Board as the charity looks towards ensuring its long-term sustainability and resilience. Although the Trustee will not provide direct advice on specific legal matters, they will be able to explain and highlight legal and compliance issues to the Board. This Trustee will provide advice to the Board on corporate development matters and act as a critical friend to the management team.

Project / property management: The charity owns property in Milton Keynes, where it holds The Caldecotte Xperience centre for outdoor adventure, activities and education. It is planning redevelopment of the site and seeks a Trustee who can provide an advisory voice and strategic direction on matters relating to project management. It would be ideal if this Trustee has commercial connections in or around Milton Keynes. 

Action4Youth would particularly like to encourage applications from candidates who live in, or close to, Buckinghamshire. Above all, Action4Youth is looking for someone enthusiastic and passionate about its mission.

Board composition

Please click here for more information on the Board.

Terms of appointment

This role is unremunerated, but reasonable, pre-agreed travel expenses will be reimbursed. The appointment is for a three year term, which may be renewed twice.


There are four Board meetings (one in Milton Keynes, one in Aylesbury, two virtual) and four Committee meetings (all virtual) per year. 


Action4Youth welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where diverse candidates can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.

The deadline for consideration is 1 December 2022.

If you would like to register your interest in this role, please fill in the form below. A member of the Nurole team will be in touch ahead of the deadline to let you know whether it would be worth submitting an application and to discuss the process further.